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Takes ~10 seconds to install.

About Gallery

Make beautiful multiple type galleries with lightbox.






updated: 3 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: webdzier


The Multi Gallery wordPress plugin provide the multiple types of galleries with multiple lightbox. you can create many types of the galleries and customize them according to you. gallery plugin contains multiple hover effects, google fonts and 3 types galleries.

Using [wd_gallery id=XX] shortcode, you can publish Multi Gallery in any Page or Post in your WordPress sites.


  • PHP 5.3
  • WordPress installed

Plugin Pro Live Demo

Plugin Admin Features

Plugin settings is very easy and user friendly. create awesome galleries with different type.

  • Responsive Design
  • 3 Types Gallery Layout
  • Multiple Image Uploader
  • Multiple Shortcode
  • 5 Column layouts
  • Show/Hide Hover effect
  • 12 Hover effect
  • Unlimited Hover color
  • Unlimited colour scheme
  • 500+ of Google Font Style
  • Hide/Show Gallery Title
  • Left/Center/Right Gallery Title Align
  • Gallery Title Unlimited Color
  • Hide/Show Gallery Label
  • Left/Center/Right Gallery Label Align
  • Gallery Label Unlimited Color
  • Unique Settings for Each Gallery
  • Shortcode Button On Post or Page
  • Drag and Drop Image Positiont
  • Unlimited Image Open Container Background Color
  • Unlimited Gallery Background Color
  • Unlimited Gallery Open Background Color
  • Show/Hide Image Description
  • Unlimited Image Description Text Color
  • Google Fonts on Image Description
  • Image Description Unlimited Words
  • 4 Lightbox
  • Custom CSS Option
  • Incontent Gallery
  • Transparent Gallery
  • Shadow Gallery
  • Transparent Border color
  • Transparent Border size

If you have any question about Multi Gallery Plugin, feel free to contact us : Plugin Support Forum .