Multi-Vendor Marketplace Lite for WooCommerce – Create Your Amazing B2C Multi-Vendor Marketplace Intuitively

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About Multi-Vendor Marketplace Lite for WooCommerce – Create Your Amazing B2C Multi-Vendor Marketplace Intuitively

This plugin converts the WooCommerce store into a multi-vendor store like Amazon, eBay and Etsy. Sellers can manage their stores beautifully.






updated: 11 months ago
since: 1 year ago
author: Webkul


Marketplace Lite for WooCommerce is explicitly developed to switch your WooCommerce website into a multivendor platform that has multiple sellers with separate profiles.

Upgrade to Pro to utilize the full power of Multi-Vendor Marketplace for WooCommerce and its 50+ Powerful Addons


Let’s check out all features of Marketplace Lite for WooCommerce. Lite Module blog

  • WooCommerce HPOS & Blocks

This module is now compatible with WooCommerce’s High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) and Cart and Checkout Blocks features.

  • Backend Dashboard

Admin Seller Listing

Shows a complete listing of all the registered sellers with bulk delete action.

Single Seller

Display Seller’s info, Orders, Transactions, commission, and miscellaneous settings.

Admin can individual commission rate, pay for their orders, and select allowed categories to list products.

Product Listing

Shows a list of products along with their price and seller.


Shows Notifications for order placed and their status update, products listed and published by sellers.

Reviews and Rating

Shows Notifications for order placed and their status update, products listed and published by sellers.

List all the reviews posted by clients on the seller’s profile, the admin can approve, or disapprove through bulk action.

Queries List

Shows a list of Queries asked by sellers, the admin can reply to them or delete them from bulk actions.


  • General Settings

Admin can set global commission rate.
A seller profile page can be selected.
Admin can choose different options for showing the seller shop name and address on the registration page.

  • Product Options

Admin can allow all or some product types and categories to sellers to list their products.
Admin can enable and set minimum order amount to checkout for seller’s product.
Admin can enable and set default maximum quantity for seller’s product to allow for purchase.

  • Asset Visibility

Admin can configure sellers’ Email, Phone Numbers, Addresses, and social links to show or hide from seller’s profile page.

  • Seller Dashboard

Seller Registration

  • A seller can register himself/herself on the store from the My-Account page by providing basic details like First Name, Last Name, Shop Name, and Phone number.

  • Only 5 sellers are allowed to register in Marketplace Lite for WooCommerce module. For unlimited seller registration consider upgrading to Pro

Dashboard Page

A seller can see the following data on their Dashboard page:-

  • Reports like total sales, Total payout, and Total refunded amount.

  • Sale & Order history using a Dual-Axis Line graph with different range filters.

  • Pie chart for orders with their status and can see Top selling & Least selling products.

  • Top billing countries using the world map.

  • Recent order list with a link to ‘All Orders’

Product Listing

  • Sellers can see their product list, add, update, delete, and search from the list.

  • A seller can manage Product Miscellaneous Settings for maximum purchasable quantity and minimum order amount if it is enabled by admin.

Order History

  • Sellers can all the order received for their products.

  • Also can print invoice, manage refund and status change from single order page.


Sellers can view list of transactions for the order and amount received from admin.

My Profile

Sellers can view and update different information on their profile.


Shows Notifications for order placed for the seller’s order and their status update, products published and reviews received on the store.

Shop Followers

Sellers can see the list of their store followers, can delete using bulk actions, or can send them email notifications.

Ask to Admin

Sellers can ask their queries admin and can see the list of the last queries.

Email notifications.

Sellers get notified via email of all the events regarding their profile and product activities in the store. Like registration, product published, an order placed and status change, New shop followers, Query replies, etc.

  • Customer Flow

Purchase Products

Customers can see the seller’s name on the product single page, cart, checkout and thank you page.

Can add products from different sellers to the cart.

Add favorite seller

Customers can add a seller to their favorite list.

Email notifications

Customers receive email notifications when a favorite seller sends out a notification.

Kindly have a look at our complete Portfolio

Pro features

Pro Module blog

  • Seller-Wise Commission – Admin can set different commissions for each seller.

  • Enable Order approval – Admin can enable Order approval features to make orders available to the seller once it is approved by admin.

  • Assign Seller – Admin can assign or change a product to an available seller.

  • Filter & Search Seller – Admin can search and filter from the seller’s list.

  • Disable Auto Approve – Admin can disable seller auto approve on registration and review the profile.

  • Seller Backend Dashboard – Admin can allow sellers to have a separate admin-like backend dashboard.

  • Separate Seller Registration – Admin can allow personalized seller registration on a separate page.

  • Seller Shipping Method – Admin can allow sellers to manage their shipping methods from their dashboard.

  • Seller Terms and Conditions – Admin can enable Seller terms and conditions checkbox on registration.

  • Allow seller to publish – Admin can disallow seller to publish product and can review it before publishing.

  • Custom endpoints – Admin can configure custom endpoint title and slug for seller’s settings on woocommerce my-account page.

  • Google Analytics – Admin can configure to allow Google Analytics features for analyzing customer behavior.

  • Become a seller – A customer can register himself/herself as a seller.

  • WPML Compatible – Adds compatibility with WPML to allow multilingual sites.

  • Seller Widgets – Provides Widgets for seller listing and seller panel.

Connect with us

Privacy notices

To show top billing countries and charts on the seller’s Dashboard this plugin uses Google Map Services. Thus, confirming the provider’s privacy policy is recommended.

  • Google Map and Charts (Google)

For showing extensions and the support and services menu we are using our Webkul Services. So, confirming the privacy policies is recommended.

Developer Resources

Marketplace Lite for WooCommerce is open-source software and is made to be extended. To reduce zip size and optimize the code, we have added minified css and js assets but developers can find non-minified (un-compressed) sources at our public (github repository) here.

For showing Google Maps on Seller Dashboard we have used (Google Map Loader JS )