Multiple Cropped Images

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About Multiple Cropped Images

Upload any number of images and scale and crop them individually.






updated: 6 years ago
since: 6 years ago


Set image sizes, upload and crop images

Multiple Cropped Images (MCI) allows you to upload an unlimited number of images to an editing page and to scale each them individually using a an easy-to-use image cropping tool and enables you to select any image section. The images are only saved in image sizes that were previously defined in a configuration page. This ensures that the images are saved in the correct image sizes. The original image and the cropped image are always available in the backend. This makes it possible to recut them at any time without having to upload the original again.

Comfortable image management

Using drag & drop, images can be sorted in the preferred order. This is ideal for quickly adapting a slideshow to your needs. Title and text features for each picture help to keep track. If required, these options can be displayed on the frontend.

Shortcodes for multiple image usage

Using shortcodes, images can be inserted into any type of post.

Search engine friendliness included

Additional input options such as title, text, SEO-title and SEO-alt make the MCI plugin search engine friendly.

Equally suitable for users, developers and agencies.

The MCI plugin is intuitive to use, and users will love its ease of use. Developers get a sophisticated solution for use in projects. Web agencies can professionally implement image management on websites while knowing that the customer can easily manage the images later. Incorrect image sizes, distorted and blurred images are a thing of the past.