My Calendar

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About My Calendar

Accessible WordPress event calendar plugin. Show events from multiple calendars on pages, in posts, or in widgets.






updated: 10 months ago
since: 14 years ago
author: Joseph C Dolson


My Calendar does WordPress event management with richly customizable ways to display events. The plugin supports individual event calendars within WordPress Multisite, multiple calendars displayed by categories, locations or author, or simple lists of upcoming events.

Easy to use for anybody, My Calendar provides enormous flexibility for designers and developers needing a custom calendar. My Calendar is built with accessibility in mind, so all your users can get equal access and experience in your calendar.

Premium Event Management

Looking for more? Buy My Calendar Pro, the premium extension for My Calendar to add support for user-submitted events, integration between posting and event creation, and import events from outside sources.

Selling event tickets?

Do you sell tickets for your events? Use My Tickets and sell tickets for My Calendar events. Set prices, ticket availability, and sell multiple events at the same time using My Tickets.


  • Calendar grid or list views of events
  • Month, multi-month, week, or daily view.
  • Mini-calendar for compact displays (as widget or shortcode)
  • Widgets: today’s events, upcoming events, mini calendar, event search
  • Customize templates for event output
  • Limit views by categories, location, author, or host
  • Editable CSS styles.
  • Extensive support for recurring events.
  • Edit or add single dates in recurring events
  • Rich permissions handling to restrict access to parts of My Calendar
  • Email notifications when events are scheduled or drafted
  • Post to Twitter when events are created (using WP to Twitter)
  • Manage locations
  • Fetch events from a remote database. (Sharing events in a network of sites.)
  • Multisite-friendly
  • Integrated help page
  • Shortcode Generator to create customized views of My Calendar


My Calendar is designed with accessibility in mind. All interfaces – both front and back end – are tested with various assistive technology. The plugin includes features for indicating the accessibility services available for events and at physical venues, as well as providing access to the content for users with disabilities.

What’s in My Calendar Pro?

  • Let your site visitors submit events to your site (pay to post or free!).
  • Let logged-in users edit their events from the front-end.
  • Create events when you publish a blog post
  • Publish a blog post when you create an event
  • Advanced search features
  • Responsive mode
  • Import events from .ics or .csv formats via file or URL.
  • REST API support for sharing events between multiple sites.


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