myCred – Learndash

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About myCred – Learndash

myCred Learndash is a plugin for WordPress that enabled you to build points based on Learndash plugin. This plugin will help users to get points while …






updated: 10 months ago
since: 4 years ago
author: myCRED


myCred Learndash is a plugin for WordPress that enabled you to build points based on Learndash plugin. This plugin will help users to get points while they complete courses, lessons, topic or quiz.

Reward users with Points and Badges on Specific Course, Lesson, Topic and Quizzes in the LearnDash learning management system.

myCred Learndash Features

Here are the most notable features of myCred Learndash plugin.


Gain personal points when you have completed a course.
Award Points & Badges on Specific Courses.
Award Points & Badges on any Course.


Gain personal points when you have completed a Lesson.
Award Points & Badges on Specific Lessons.
Award Points & Badges on any Lesson.


Gain personal points when you have completed a Topic.
Award Points & Badges on Specific Topics.
Award Points & Badges on any Topic.


Gain personal points when you have completed a Quiz.
Deduct points on failed Quiz.
Award Points & Badges on Specific Completed Quizzes.
Award Points & Badges on any Completed Quizzes.
Award Points & Badges on Specific Failed Quizzes.


Automatic points via a “Hook”, you can award users points automatically on LearnDash activities.
Set Hooks to Award points on Completing a Course
Set Hooks to Award points on Completing a Lesson
Set Hooks to Award points on Completing a Topic
Set Hooks to Award points on Completing a Quiz
Set Hooks to Deduct points on Failed at a Quiz
Set Hooks to Award points on Upload an Assignment
Set Hooks to Award points on Approve an Assignment


Leaderboards based on myCred points in courses
Leaderboard for courses
Leaderboard for lessons
Leaderboard for topics
Leaderboard for quiz

Course Buy:

Allow buying courses in points
Disallow buying courses in points


Manage logs for all users point balances.
Manage all points balances and settings.


Award Points & Badges on Upload an Assignment.
Award Points & Badges on Approved an Assignment.
AwarNew – Points & Badges on Upload an Assignment of a Specific Course.
Award Points & Badges on Upload an Assignment of a Specific Lesson.
Award Points & Badges on Approve an Assignment of a Specific Course.
Award Points & Badges on Approve an Assignment of a Specific Lesson.

Plugin Requirements

More myCred Freebies Integrations


For more information visit our Documentation Page.