Newsletter subscription optin module

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About Newsletter subscription optin module

Plugin for managing subscriptions to a mailing list. It provides a simple form for subscription to your mailing list through single or double opt-in.






updated: 3 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: Max


This plugin enables you to create simple forms for subscription to your newsletter. It includes a sidebar widget with customizable fields (up to 16) to gather from your users all the information you need for your email marketing campaigns. Users can also use the form to unsubscribe.

From the options pages you can:

  • choose whether you require a double opt-in (users must follow a link in an email message, in order to complete subscription)
  • specify name and number of text fields in the form
  • customize text messages and labels
  • manage subscribed email addresses
  • donwload PDF file with list of subscribers
  • download CSV file with list of subscribers
  • choose whether you want to download all subscribers or only new subscribers

Related features

(Un)subscription requests can be directly processed by SendBlaster bulk email software :

Plugin Features

  • Subscribe new members
  • Unsubscribe existing members
  • Stores subscribed email addresses (as a useful backup against mail delivery failures)
  • Purges old email addresses
  • Customizable sidebar appearance
  • Customizable texts and labels
  • Adds to your form up to 5 custom fields

Plugin Options

  • E-mail address for managing subscriptions
  • Message to subscriber – subject
  • Message to subscriber – content
  • Double Opt-in
  • Link Love (enable and disable)
  • Front side messages
  • Front side appearance and custom fields
  • Temporary db of newly subscribed members
  • Automatic temporary db cleanup