We'll create fresh WordPress site with NewStatPress installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
NewStatPress is a new version of StatPress that was the first real-time plugin dedicated to the management of statistics about blog visits.
It collects information about visitors, spiders, search keywords, feeds, browsers etc.
Once the plugin NewStatPress has been activated it immediately starts to collect statistics information.
Using NewStatPress you could spy your visitors while they are surfing your blog or check which are the preferred pages, posts and categories.
In the Dashboard menu you will find the NewStatPress page where you could look up the statistics (overview or detailed).
NewStatPress also includes a widget one can possibly add to a sidebar (or easy PHP code if you can’t use widgets!).
With the new ajax/javascript usage for variables in widget, the plugin is faster for a user being visit your site even with 1GB or more of database to use! (requires the External API be enabled in NewStatPress>Options>API)
IMPORTANT: all previous versions from 1.0.4 are subject to XSS and SQL injection from an old Statpress routine. You have to use at least version 1.0.6 to avoid security issue.
PLEASE UPDATE always to the latest version available.
Check at http://newstatpress.altervista.org
Simple adding index to database and changes some data fields for better database storing (from here http://www.poundbangwhack.com/2010/07/03/improve-the-performance-of-the-wordpress-plugin-statpress-and-your-blog/ where some modification comes from)
You could ban IP list from stats editing def/banips.dat file.
NewStatPress can automatically delete older records to allow the insertion of newer records when limited space is present.
This features is left as original StatPress but it will be replaced by the history data instead.
External API are a way to gives the collected informations as a web service using a POST call.
With it you can use (for example) your collected data of WordPress inside a Drupal site.
The API must be enables by check a flag into the option (by default is disabled) and a private KEY must be entered (you can generate a random one).
This KEY is for authenticate the called as a valid allowed client.
Even if the API is for external usage, it will be used internally for speed up page generation using AJAX, so at some point you will need to activate it to continue to see overview and Details pages.
Actually those are the available commands:
Command | Parameters | Description
External API is actually used by Multi-NewStatPress (a software than manages data from multiple installation of NewStatPress in different servers).
If you want to use the API you need to pass to POST those values:
into those url: your_site+”/wp-content/plugins/newstatpress/includes/api/external.php”
Widget is customizable. These are the available variables:
In widget, those are special html contropart:
Now you could add these values everywhere! NewStatPress offers a new PHP function newstatpress_print().
* i.e. newstatpress_print(“%totalvisits% total visits.”);
New experimental functions: place this command [NewStatPress: xxx] every were in your WordPress blog pages and you will have the graph about the xxx function.
Available functions are:
* [NewStatPress: Overview]
* [NewStatPress: Top days]
* [NewStatPress: O.S.]
* [NewStatPress: Browser]
* [NewStatPress: Feeds]
* [NewStatPress: Search Engine]
* [NewStatPress: Search terms]
* [NewStatPress: Top referrer]
* [NewStatPress: Languages]
* [NewStatPress: Spider]
* [NewStatPress: Top Pages]
* [NewStatPress: Top Days – Unique visitors]
* [NewStatPress: Top Days – Pageviews]
* [NewStatPress: Top IPs – Pageviews]