Nice Quotes Rotator

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About Nice Quotes Rotator

Allows display of random quotes via shortcode, a sidebar widget, and/or on the admin page. Quotes can be user-entered, post excerpts or links.






updated: 11 years ago
since: 13 years ago
author: Robert Wise


This plugin provides the ability to have randomly selected quotes displayed on the admin page, by using a
shortcode or by using a sidebar widget. The quotes include user-entered quotes, and can optionally include
excerpts from a user-chosen category and can also optionally include links from a user-chosen links category
There also is an option for including the lyrics from “Hello Dolly”. The plugin can be used for random
quotes, rotating testimonials, rotating random affiliate links, or random featured posts. It was inspired by
the Hello Dolly plugin (hello.php) that comes bundled with WordPress.


Technical support for this plugin will be provided via the WordPress plugin forum. Additional support may be
available at plugin’s homepage.