N-Media MailChimp Subscription

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About N-Media MailChimp Subscription

This plugin pulls all List, variables and groups from Mailchimp account then allow you to create subscription form using Form Wizard Tool.






updated: 3 years ago
since: 13 years ago
author: nmedia


Mailchimp Subscription is simple plugin to render Subscription Forms on your WordPress Blog/Site. It pulls all Mailchimp Lists from your Account and allow admin to
create Forms using Vars and Interest Group with Awesome AngularJS based Admin panel.


  • Create list variables
  • Create list Interest Groups
  • Visual form designer
  • Groups choices on front end
  • Create unlimited subscription forms using Form Wizard Tool
  • Use shortcodes in Post/Pages
  • Widget support
  • Pre append text on Widgets
  • Write your own Style/CSS
  • Multilingual Support
  • Create Popups
  • AngularJS Based Admin

How it works (Pro Version)

PRO Version

Now you can create Mailchimp Campaigns using WordPress Posts/Pages. In few click Newsletter is ready to send to any List.
* Create Campaigns using Post/Pages contents
* Create your own Template with Custom Header (image, HTML) and Footer (HTML)
* Test campaigns before you send it.
* Campaign graphical reports
* Delete campaigns

More detail


  • Bug fixed: JS related infected files removed


  • Bug fixed: Major bug fixed: Subscription were not working, now it’s fixed

5.3 December 5, 2017

  • Bug fixed: Subscription forms were not created.

5.4 July 20, 2018

  • Features: Option to add user consent for GDPR in subscription form
  • Bug fixed: Some warnings removed