oik batchmove

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About oik batchmove

This plugin enables you to filter posts in a particular category and then apply mass updates to selected posts.






updated: 3 months ago
since: 10 years ago
author: bobbingwide


This plugin enables you to filter posts in a particular category and then apply mass updates to selected posts.

Actions supported:

  • Update to selected category – Delete the currently filtered category and set a new Target Category for the selected posts
  • Add selected category – Adds the Target Category to the selected posts
  • Delete selected category – Deletes the currently filtered category from the selected posts
  • Republish – update the post date to the current time stamp.
  • Republish – alter the post date by adding or subtracting defined amounts
  • Update post meta – set the values for simple post meta fields
  • WordPress SEO hide – update WordPress SEO post meta to “hide” posts
  • WordPress SEO unhide – update WordPress SEO post meta to “unhide” posts

Scheduled republishing:

  • Scheduled republishing using WordPress CRON
  • Category republishing of the oldest post in selected Categories
  • Tag republishing of the oldest post with selected Tags
  • Republicizing using Jetpack publicize.