One Click Buy Button For WooCommerce

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About One Click Buy Button For WooCommerce

"One Click Buy Button For WooCommerce" is a plugin to replace the default "Add To Cart" button redirect page and text.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 2 years ago


“One Click Buy Button For WooCommerce” is a helpful tool to simplify the checkout process.

  • Redirect to checkout page after adding to cart.
  • new custom button beside “Add To Cart” button.
  • Redirect even works with Ajax add to cart option.
  • You can change redirect page, and make it other than the checkout page.
  • You can redirect to even custom URL of your site.
  • No need for ShortCode to make this work.
  • Change add to the cart button text.
  • Change add to the cart button Redirect Page .
  • One Page Checkout to simplifies the checkout process.

Shahriar Ahmed Shovon

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