Opes WP Ads Manager

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About Opes WP Ads Manager

Opes WP Ads Manager allows you to show advertisements on the website






updated: 9 years ago
since: 9 years ago


Opes WP Ads Manager is a simple plugin that allows you to show advertisements as a widget on the website

Just works!

Major features in Opes WP Ads Manager include:

  • Since version 1.2.0 only one widget can be add and only two ads can be shown
  • An ad as a custom post type
  • An every ad can link to specific web page
  • A widget generator
  • A custom post featured image used as an ad
  • Ad sizes management (use Regenerate Thumbnails plugin to extend management of the sizes image files)

PRO Version (available soon) features:

  • Stats
  • Not limited widgets and ads can be add
  • Management of order of ads in a widget