Outstanding Bar

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About Outstanding Bar

Outstanding Bar allows you to easily collect emails in a way that your users won't find offensive.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: CONTRAST


Outstanding Bar is a simple plugin that adds a newsletter sign up bar to your site. It comes with 3 options to give you flexibility in how you display the bar which you can tweak in the settings.


This option simply keeps your bar at the bottom. This is the default option.

Distraction free

This option allows you to collect email subscriptions without getting in your users way. Similar to how some sites will only show the navigation when the user scrolls up & hide when the user scrolls down, you can enable this option to do the same.


This option makes Outstanding Bar slide up after the user has scrolled through 50% of the page. It can work well for blogs as it presents the email sign up option at the appropriate time, after the user has read some of your content, rather than asking them to sign up as soon as they land on your post.

The Dismiss Button

The other feature we’ve added is again with users in mind, with a ‘dismiss’ button. The dismiss button can be customised to any text you want & simply put it slides the newsletter bar off into the corner, so the user can enjoy your website without always having a newsletter sign up bar in the way. Then when they want to sign up, or get intrigued what the button in the bottom right is, they can click it and it slides back out.