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About PageMenu

Allow user to select menu and menu items for specific page






updated: 4 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Rohit Kumar


Page Menu plugin allow to choose specific menu for specific post or page , It also
provide option to choose menu items to display on specific page or post , category ,tag and custom taxonomy. Different menu with your selected menu items for you specific page.
it support post , page ,custom post type , Custom Taxonomy

How to make this plugin work?

  1. Create one or more menus from appearance > menus

  2. Assign the menu to menu location from appearance > menus > manage locations

  3. Create a new Post or edit Existing one

  4. In post editor you will see the Page Menu post meta box

  5. Choose the location

  6. Choose the menu you want to display on that location

  7. Uncheck the items you don’t want to display on that specific post

Here is small tutorial

How does this plugin works?

To hide entire menu it use filter wp_nav_menu_args

To hide menu item it use class pagemenu-hide

Warning : We recommend you assign at least one default menu in your locations

Supported Post

  1. Post

  2. Page

  3. Custom Post