Page Visits Counter – Lite

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About Page Visits Counter – Lite

Display number of visits for each page in admin dashboard and browser developer-tool/console. Doesn't count page refresh as a new visit...






updated: 6 months ago
since: 3 years ago
author: Denis Botic


This plugin is going to display the number of visits for each page in the:

  • Admin dashboard
  • Browser developer-tools/console tab – (HIDDEN COUNTERS)
  • Website/page frontend – (OPTIONAL)

You can add and display counters on the frontend of your website:

  • total page-visits-counter and/or
  • total website-visits-counter

( Page-visits-counter does not count page refresh as a new visit while Website-visits-counter counts everything. )

Hidden page counter + admin page reports

How to display hidden counter on a website frontend?

The purpose of this plugin is to supplement the report of actual visits to the pages of the website that cannot be recorded through advanced analytical tools. Advanced analytical tools require the consent of a visitor before the visit is recorded.


  • It is a small size software and it does not require much memory.
  • It is not going to crowd your database with tons of metric data and “eat” database memory.
  • It is not going to collect user’s personal data – GDPR compliant.


  • Logged in user with a role:
    • admin
    • editor
    • shop manager
    • custom role
  • Page refresh/reload ( But “Total Visits” load&reload sum will count it. )
  • Submitting comments ( But “Total Visits” load&reload sum will count it. )
  • Visiting direct media link in the uploads folder
  • Media – attachment page
  • Search results page
  • Update cart ( But “Total Visits” load&reload sum will count it. )
  • Checkout/order received ( But “Total Visits” load&reload sum will count it. )


  • A visitor ( Not logged in )
  • Logged in user with a role:
    • Subscriber
    • Author
    • Contributor
    • Pending_user
    • Customer
  • Pages and posts:
    • Pages and subpages
    • Default and Static Homepage
    • Blog Posts page
    • Single post
    • Default category and tag – archive pages
    • 404
    • CPT
    • Taxonomy archive pages
    • WooCommerce:
      • SHOP – archive page
      • Single product
      • Default category and tag – archive pages
      • Attribute archive pages
      • Cart ( Check Update cart is not counting… )
      • Checkout ( Check “Checkout/order received” is not counting…)

ON CHANGE NAME of Page, Post, Product…

If you change the name of an existing page, post, product, archive, etc. then the old page will remain intact in the page visits report.
After a new visit, the new page name will appear in the page visits report and the counter will start counting visits for the new page from the start.

ON DELETE of Page, Post, Product…

If you delete an existing page, post, product, archive, etc. then the page will remain intact in the page visits report including its number of visits.


There are two counter types:

  • Website counter
  • Page counter ( Not counting page refresh. )

You can add one or both counter types on your website or page frontend.

Instructions on how to add counter/s to your website are in the plugin settings page under the tab named counter.


  • Invisible counter (In browser Developer-tools / Console)
  • GDPR Compliant
  • WooCommerce compatible


  • WordPress 5.0 +
  • PHP 5.6.40 +
  • WooCommerce 4.9.2 +


On the plugin delete/uninstall it will automatically clean its data from the database unless you select to preserve them in the plugin settings area.
Therefore, it is harmless for you to try out this plugin.


Admin dashboard widget has four wp-hooks:

  • add_action( ‘StrCPVisits_db_widget_wrapper_start’ );
  • add_action( ‘StrCPVisits_db_widget_after_total_visits_boxes’ );
  • add_action( ‘StrCPVisits_db_widget_wrapper_end_before_js’ );
  • add_action( ‘StrCPVisits_db_widget_wrapper_end_after_js’ );


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