We'll create fresh WordPress site with PAPERCITE installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
To report bugs or request features, please go to https://github.com/digfish/papercite. Documentation can be found on http://papercite.readthedocs.org/en/latest/.
papercite format bibtex entries as HTML so they can be inserted in
WordPress pages and posts. The input data is a bibtex file (either local
or remote) and entries can be formatted by default using various
predefined styles. Bibtex source file and a link to the publication are
also available from the HTML.
Input: Sources files are BibTex files that can be:
Filtering and grouping:
Documentation can be found from within WordPress plugin list (click on
the documentation link). You can see the documentation of the plugin
as installed on my site here.
The documentation is now bundled with the plug-in. Go to the plug-in
list page in the WordPress dashboard, and click on the documentation
If your file is local to the blog installation, you have two options:
** use wp-content/papercite-data/bib/mybibfile.bib as a path
Alternatively, you can maintain your updated biblilography by using
systems such as citeulike.org and bibsonomy.org; specify the bib file
using as a URL (e.g., in citeulike, you should use
Entries are sorted by year by default.
The HTML rendering is isolated in two template files, located in the
subfolders tpl (citation list rendering) and format (entry rendering).
Using the new shortcode [ppcnote]
. For example:
In molecular biology, the term double helix [ppcnote]usually applies to DNA[\ppcnote]
will result in a footnote being generated after the post text. The numbering of the footnotes is separated from the one used in the citations.