Parsedown for WordPress

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About Parsedown for WordPress

This plugin processes your posts and comments using the Parsedown library. It is a direct replacement for PHP Markdown Extra by Michel Fortin.






updated: 9 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Robin Adrianse


Got a bug report or want to contribute? Please do so on the GitHub issue tracker or submit a pull request.

Parsedown is an efficient, modern PHP implementation of the Markdown syntax originally developed by John Gruber. This plugin runs your posts and comments through the Parsedown Extra version, which has additional features that are part of the Markdown Extra extension by Michel Fortin.

Michel wrote the original Markdown plugin for WordPress, and this aims to be a 100% compatible drop-in replacement for that. Michel’s original plugin is no longer supported as of February 1, 2014.

So why Parsedown? It’s faster, more consistent and is being actively developed.

Development of this WordPress plugin takes place over on GitHub. If you have any support requests, I do monitor the support forums on here, or you can contact me directly.