PCF Thanksgiving Countdown

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About PCF Thanksgiving Countdown

A simple plugin that creates an easy to use Thanksgiving countdown for your WordPress sites.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: PC Futures


Basic Instructions

This plugin works out-of-the-box, so once the plugin is installed, you can place a shortcode wherever you want.

Use the shortcode [pcf_tg_countdown] to output the countdown.

The countdown will output in days by default (e.g ‘105 days until Thanksgiving!’).

Changing output type

The shortcode can be given a ‘type’ attribute, like so:

[pcf_tg_countdown type="days|weeks|sleeps"]

This enables you to change the output type.

There are 3 types to choose from:

  • Days
  • Weeks
  • Sleeps

If you do not specify the type attribute, or specify an invalid type, it will default to ‘days’.


[pcf_tg_countdown type="weeks"]

will output as

It's `x` weeks and `y` days until Thanksgiving!

Styling the output

Styling the output is an advanced setting, that involves writing custom CSS.

The shortcode can be given an ‘id’ attribute, which can then be used to style the output using CSS.

For example,

[pcf_tg_countdown id="my-id"]

would output in HTML as

<p id="my-id">...</p>

You can then add custom CSS through Appearance > Editor. If your theme supports custom CSS, you may be able to add your styles in Theme Options. If there is a custom css file in Editor, it is advised to use that for custom styles.

Here is an example of some custom styles:

    color: red;
    font-size: 16px;
    text-decoration: underline;

This will set the output to be red, underlined, and to have a font size of 16px.