pd Android FCM Push Notification

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About pd Android FCM Push Notification

pd Android FCM Push Notification is a plugin through which you can send push notifications directly from your WordPress site to android devices via Fi …






updated: 3 years ago
since: 6 years ago


pd Android FCM Push Notification is a plugin through which you can send push notifications directly from your WordPress site to android devices via Firebase Cloud Messaging service. When a new blog is posted or existing blog is updated, a push notification sent to android device.

Features Included:

  • Can send push notification for each blog post.
  • Even can send custom notifications to the registered devices.
  • Devices are subscribed in category wise, so that the notifications can also be sent based on the category.
  • Featured image support is available (above android version 4.4).
  • Push notifications can be scheduled.
  • A checkbox is available at the right side to choose whether to send push notification in post publish or update.
  • For more documentation and screenshots, please visit proficientdesigners.in


Using 3rd party service:

Please note that this plugin is relying on a 3rd party service, which is the Google Firebase Cloud Messaging service (FCM) and your data is being sent through their servers via HTTP API (https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send). This is very legal to use the Google Firebase Cloud Messaging service (FCM), based on their terms and conditions https://firebase.google.com/terms/.

Demo Android App:
We have a demo android app in the Google Play Store for this plugin’s testing purpose. You can get the link from our official documentation page.