Permanent User Password

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About Permanent User Password

A light-weight WordPress plugin that empowers administrators to set permanent passwords for users on their websites.






updated: 9 months ago
since: 9 months ago
author: Fahid Javid


Permanent User Password is a simple yet powerful plugin that allows administrators to set permanent passwords for users on their WordPress websites. Enhance security and provide long-term access to selected users with ease.


  • Flexibility: Admins can set permanent passwords for users, ensuring long-term access.
  • Security: Enhanced security by allowing the creation of permanent passwords.
  • Ease of Use: Simple interface for admins to manage permanent passwords on their WordPress site.
  • Front-end Login Compatibility: Very useful when front-end login and user profile is enabled.
  • Demo User Setup: Ideal for setting up demo users for demonstration purposes, avoiding visitors to change passwords.