PGreca Chat

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About PGreca Chat

Live Chat Plugin for Wordpress Websites. 100% FREE.






updated: 7 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: PGreca


Live Chat Plugin for WordPress Websites. 100% FREE.
This plugin is designed to be “plug and play”.


  • Easy installation
  • No external server required. There is no need to set up, maintain or pay for a server. Regular hosting is sufficent.
  • Chat private. Make individual chat.
  • Single sign-on. No separate login to the chat is required. If an user is logged in to your website, then the chat automatically log her/him in.
  • Youtube videos. Display a videoplayer of youtube.
  • Localization. Provide a translation for your language. All text are trnslatable. (English / Italian)
  • Appearance adjustaments. Adjust visual appearance to match your website by editing colors, background, ecc…
  • Chat modeation. Protect your chat.
  • Integration with BuddyPress.