Phoenix Folding@Home Stats

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About Phoenix Folding@Home Stats

This plugin allows you to display Folding@Home Stats for you or your team in a shortcode or widget.






updated: 3 years ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Phoenix Web


This plugin retrieves stats from the Folding@Home API and displays them on your WordPress Website. You can display stats for your donor account or for a Folding team. You can show the stats in your sidebar as a widget or in your content area as a shortcode. The following stats are shown:

  • Work units.
  • Total credit in points.
  • Ranking.
  • Date you completed the last work unit.
  • Teams you are a member of/Donors who contribute to your team.

It takes less than a minute to setup. All you need is your donor/team ID or name. The stats are displayed as an HTML table.

What is Folding@Home?

Folding@home is a project run by Stanford University which allows anyone to assist with disease research by donating their unused computer processing power. Your processing power is used to simulate protein folding, a process whereby proteins assemble themselves into tools which your body can use. Joining in is a doddle; simply download the F@H software to get started. Find out more at the Folding@Home website.

You can see an example at which is also our announcement post.


Display the shortcode in your content by writing [phoenix_folding_stats] in the post/page editing area.

  • type – The type of table to display. Set to either ‘team’ or ‘donor’. Defaults to ‘team’.
  • id – Your donor or team numerical id or name.
  • class – CSS class to add to the HTML table. This can help with custom styling or getting the style in line with other theme tables. Defaults to empty.
  • show_donor_teams – On a donor table, show or hide the teams the donor is a member of. Set as ‘false’ or ‘no’ to hide. Defaults to ‘yes’.
  • show_donor_teams – On a team table, show or hide the donors that contribute to the team. Set as ‘false’ or ‘no’ to hide. Defaults to ‘yes’.
  • show_id – Show a table row with numerical id. Defaults to ‘false’.
  • show_logo – Show F@H arrows just after the table header. Set as ‘false’ or ‘no’ to hide. Defaults to ‘yes’.
  • show_tagline – Show very short spiel about F@H at the bottom of the table. Set as ‘false’ or ‘no’ to hide. Defaults to ‘yes’.
  • show_rank – Show team/donor rank.

An example of a shortcode with all these parameters in use:

[phoenix_folding_stats type="donor" class="table table-striped" show_id="yes" show_donor_teams="yes" id="James_Jones" show_logo="no" show_tagline="yes"]<h3>Making Changes</h3>

– If you just want to change how something looks, the table elements are full of classes you can target with CSS. The plugin itself includes a small amount of CSS which you can easily overwrite.
– I’ve sprinkled in a few WordPress filters so you can change things.
– You can overwrite the templates in the plugin by adding your own templates in your theme. Create a folder in your theme called phoenix-folding-at-home-stats and add templates in there. So for example if you want to overwrite the donor table, you would create a PHP file – wp-content/themes/yourtheme/phoenix-folding-at-home-stats/donor.php and make your own table in there.
– Contact me at the support forums or our website with your desired change. If it’s good I will probably add it in.