We'll create fresh WordPress site with Pie and Donut charts installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Make interactive pie charts using chart.js library using:
1) Simple short code
2) Elementor Widget Pie Chart
Shortcode Example-
1) [piechart id = ’23’ data = ‘20,40,30’ label = ‘apple,orange,grapes’ type = ‘polarArea’]
2) [piechart id = ’24’ data = ‘20,40,30,60’ label = ‘apple,orange,grapes,cherry’ type = ‘pie’]
3) [piechart id = ’25’ data = ‘20,40,30,60’ label = ‘apple,orange,grapes,cherry’ type = ‘doughnut’]
* 100% Responsive and interactive
* Use anywhere in post and pages.
* Write or Create simple short code.
* Elementor Widget for live editing of charts
* Using Open source chart.js Javascript Library
* For multiple charts on same page, use unique id/chart id
* Canvas based charts</li>
* Shortcode requires 4 parameters. 1) id 2) data 3) label 4) type
* "type" paratmeter can be either 1) pie 2) doughnut 3) polarArea