Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum quantity & Minimum Order quantity WooCommerce

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About Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum quantity & Minimum Order quantity WooCommerce

Set Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum Quantity, Minimum Order Amount, Minimum order size for WooCommerce






updated: 10 months ago
since: 5 years ago
author: PI Websolution


Try pro version frontend & backend on demo website

  • Activate the plugin, go to setting page and and set global level min or max Product Quantity

  • Set minimum product quantity for each product that should be purchased

  • Set maximum product quantity for each product that can be purchased

  • Set minimum cart total that is minimum total at the time of checkout

  • If you don’t want quantity restriction on certain product you can disable the limit on that particular product quantity

  • Enable minimum amount restriction on the cart total

  • Exclude a product from global minimum amount restriction, in Free version you can exclude 2 product only

  • Set different messages of the minimum amount restriction based on the cart total as percent of the minimum amount set in the plugin setting

  • Show minimum amount progress in circular progress bar

  • Show warning message of minimum amount on top of the pages

PRO Version

Try pro version front & back end on demo website

  • All the features of Free version

  • Set a different minimum quantity for each product, this will overwrite the global minimum quantity for that product

  • Set a different minimum quantity for each variation

  • Set a different maximum quantity for each product, this will overwrite the global maximum quantity for that product

  • Set a different maximum quantity for each variation

  • Set a different quantity multiple for each variation

  • Customize messages

  • Change the image that is shown inside the circular progress for the minimum order amount WooCommerce

  • Set text and background color of the message box based on the different condition the quantity of product present in the cart

  • Minimum order amount WooCommerce bar get updated by ajax

  • Place minimum order amount needed info bar using short code [pisol_mmq_notification]

  • Pro version update the min max notice message on the category / Shot page with ajax

  • Control the page where you want to show the minimum order amount restriction notification bar

  • You can write custom code to disable minimum order amount notification on custom pages using filter function

  • Show/Hide Min Max quantity message on product archive page, product page, cart page or checkout page

  • Set different position for Min Max quantity message on product archie page and single product page

  • Don’t go inside each product to set Min/Max quantity, instead set it from the category, so all product withing this category will inherit this min/max quantity limit

  • Set minimum quantity restriction on the category, so user has to purchase minimum that many unit from that particular category

  • Checkout page will redirect to cart page when the Minimum quantity restriction is not fulfilled for any product

  • Checkout page will redirect to cart page when the Minimum amount restriction is not fulfilled for any product

  • You can set minimum amount restriction per category basis, so if a buyer purchase a $10 product from Category A, and you have set Min amount limit of $20 on that category then he wont be able to checkout until he purchase $10 more from the same category A

  • You can apply category level min amount restriction even on the sub category products as well

  • Force produce to be ordered in a multiple of X units, E.g: you can enable this option on a product and make it to be ordered in a group of 4 unit, then user can order 4, 8, 12, 16 units of that product if they try to order say 3 units they will get and error and will not be allowed to checkout
    Example of product to be ordered in multiple of 4

  • Force category product quantity to be ordered in a multiple of X unit, E.g: Category A : you have set quantity to be in multiple of 3 unit, when user will add 2 unit of product xA he wont be allow to checkout as it is not multiple of 3, now if he adds 1 unit of yA product in the cart then his total quantity from Cat A equals to 3 unit which is multiple of 3 so he can checkout

  • Exclude product from min quantity restriction on the category, the quantity of this excluded product will not be counted for restriction. E.g: Cat A min quantity restriction is 3 and customer added product AA and AB 1 unit each and product AB is excluded product then the customer has to purchase 2 unit more the unit of AB will not count in.

  • Exclude product amount from min amount restriction on the category, E.g: Cat A min amount restriction is 20$, customer added product AA and AB in cart both of 10$ each then customer will still need to buy $10 more as the AB (being the excluded product it wont be counted for restriction)