Pivotway Leads Generator

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Takes ~10 seconds to install.

About Pivotway Leads Generator

Pivotway is an easy way to automate your inbound marketing. Transform your website into a lead generation machine and drive revenue to your business.






updated: 7 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: Pivotway


This plugin inserts Pivotway’s Leads Generator script in your WordPress site so you don’t have to edit your theme’s code. It’s the first step you need to take in order to embed our lead generation widgets in your website.

Once the plugin is installed and activated, you can insert our widgets in your website by pasting the following code snippets where you want them to appear.

Sidabar Widget
<div class=”pw-form pw-sidebar” data-pw-userid=”{your_id}” ></div>

Inline Widget
<div class=”pw-form pw-inline” data-pw-userid=”{your_id}” ></div>

Sticky Bar & Popup widgets can be activated/deactivated on our website

Remember to replace the {your_id} by your Pivotway’s user ID on the above snippets. If you don’t know your Pivotway’s user ID you can obtain it from our website.