PixelBeds Channel Manager and Hotel Booking Engine

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About PixelBeds Channel Manager and Hotel Booking Engine

PixelBeds Channel manager is a user-friendly Booking Engine and a hotel PMS developed dedicatedly for Sri Lankan Hotel Industry






updated: 6 years ago
since: 6 years ago


PixelBeds Channel manager is a user-friendly Booking Engine and a hotel PMS developed dedicatedly for Sri Lankan Hotel Industry

Simple and user-friendly channel manager with Hotel booking engine and PMS

Visit PixelBeds.com to access our demo

Online Property Management System

URL – https://admin.pixelbeds.com
Username – [email protected]
Password – hotel@741

Online Booking Engine

URL – https://booking.pixelbeds.com

Channel manager, online booking engine and Hotel PMS dedicatedly developed for all accommodation providers’ including Hotels, Apartments and B&Bs across Sri Lanka.


  1. Individual hotel detail management (add/edit/delete) functionality. (Basic individual hotel detail managing facility. Ex: hotel name, address, photos, description, features and hotel map)
  2. Room type management functionality. (Create, edit and delete room types)
  3. Board type management functionality. (Create, edit and delete board types)
  4. Cancellation policy management facility. (Create, edit and delete cancellation policies)
  5. Booking cancellation facility.
  6. Other hotel policy management facility. (Parking policy, Pet policy, internet policy and smoking policies)
  7. Charges management facility. (Customer charges, Taxes)
  8. Hotel layout management facility. (System should facilitate admin to manage header, footer, styles and scripts of the front and booking system)
  9. Hotel facilities management facility. (Overall hotel facilities entering modifying deleting facility)
  10. Room calendar management facility. (Online room allocation viewing facility, daily basis room type’s price management facility and closed out room management facility.)
  11. Room detail management facility. (Room size, Room photos and room facilities management)
  12. Report generation facility.

– Booking cancellation report
– Booking Detail Report
– Booking Transaction Report
– Customer detail report
13. “Embed Widget Code” generation facility for front end booking site.
14. Create Hotel Special offers
15. Promo code generation facility and discounted prices displaying facility for promo codes.
16. Connected with all Sri Lankan Payment gateways – Sampath Bank, HNB, Seylan, HSBC Sri Lanka, NTB, eZcash, MCash, Commercial Bank
17. Connected with major international payment gateways – PayPal, Stripe, AuthorizeNet, Barclays, WorldPay, RealEx Payments.
18. Call Centre facility – Create and manage offline bookings (Telephone Hotel Booking Facility)
19. Support major browsers FF Chrome IE-10


WordPress Site


Provided below are the facets to be done for configuration of Oganro reservation system plugin

Visit Settings > Oganro Booking

Edit each section by selecting colours and values

Click Save