PL Car Dealer

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About PL Car Dealer

WordPress plugin created for Car Dealers.






updated: 3 years ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Roberto Bruno


PL Car Dealer is a solution for car dealers to manage the car’s catalog

It provides:

  1. A complete custom post type “vehicles” where you can add your car, with a custom metabox containing model, make, description, photogallery, price, mileage, etc.

  2. A widget for display makes

  3. A widget for a custom search form

  4. A shortcode for a custom search form: [cde_advanced_search]

  5. A shortcode for latest vehicles [cde_latest_vehicles]

  6. A shortcode for featured vehicles [cde_featured_vehicles]

  7. Three templates for archive vehicle, advanced search vehicle result and a single vehicle

  8. Translation ready (Italian language included)

  9. Mileage abbreviation and money symbol setting

A demo is available at