PM Currency For WP

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About PM Currency For WP

Introducing PM Currency For Wordpress, a simple lightweight yet powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to show any amount anywhere on your WordPres …






updated: 2 years ago
since: 2 years ago
author: Plugins Monster


Introducing PM Currency For WordPress, a simple lightweight yet powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to show any amount anywhere on your WordPress site in site visitor’s local currency by just using simple short code/tags. Simply install it, activate it and start using the short code tags which will convert any amount you write within the short code tags from your base currency to site visitor currency automatically!

* Light Weight Plugin By All Women Team Of Plugins Monster
* Easy Conversion By Just Putting Amount Between Short Tags
* Absolutely FREE Currency Conversion
* Free Support By Plugins Monster All Women Team

PRO Version Features
* Upgrade To Pro & Set Any Base Currency
* Option To Select From Over 75+ Base Currencies
* Premium Support & Setup By Plugins Monster All Women Team

All details about free & pro plugins including demo of both can be found at

Requires use of GeoPlugin API to get IP based geo data. It allows approx 100 requests per minute for free (which is mostly good for most of the WordPress sites) so if your site gets more than 100 visits per minute then consider upgrading and whitelisting your server IP address by visiting By using this plugin, you also agree to GEOPLUGIN privacy policy and terms of use which is available at

If you have any suggestions or if you need any customization, feel free to email our all women friendly team at [email protected]

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