We'll create fresh WordPress site with Multiple Currencies for Paid Memberships Pro installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
This plugin allows you to add multiple currencies to the Paid Memberships Pro plugin. This will enable you to specify a different currency per membership level, or it will just use the default currency setting if left empty.
Please note: this will update the currency on the following pages:
* Membership Levels page
* Checkout page
* Admin membership Levels page
* Admin Level settings page
Due to no hooks and filters on the following sections of PMPro’s core, the following pages will not be able to reflect the custom currencies at the moment:
* Admin Order & Reports page
* Customer Account & Invoice history
* Emails
Please note: this is not an official add on from the PMPro team.
Credit: Plugin was inspired by this gist https://gist.github.com/strangerstudios/8806443