Pocket WP

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About Pocket WP

Pocket WP allows you to embed your Pocket links into a WordPress page or post via a shortcode or a widget.






updated: 9 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Ciaran Mahoney


Pocket WP connects to the Pocket API and pulls in your latest saved links with tags and excerpts into a WordPress page, post or widget.


Due to the way Pocket’s API works, you need to complete a few steps before you can use the plugin.

  1. Install and activate the plugin.

  2. Create an application on the Pocket Developers website, enter your Consumer Key into the Pocket WP settings page and click Save Changes to start the authorization process.

  3. Click the Get Access Key link to complete the authorization.


The shortcode embeds a list of Pocket links into a page or post.

The basic shortcode is [pocket_links] and it accepts some optional arguments:

count: [any number] // How many links to display. Default is all.

excerpt: yes, no // Whether or not to display the excerpt extracted by Pocket. Default is yes.

tag: [any one of your Pocket tags] // Choose to show links from one tag. Supports one tag only. Default is all links, tagged or untagged.

credit: yes, no // Choose to add author credit. Default is to not show credit links.

tag_list: yes, no // Whether or not to show a list of tags after each link.


The Widget is available to drag and drop into any widgetized sidebars. It has some options:

title // the title for the widget

count // the number of links to show. Default is 5

tag: [any of your Pocket tags] // Choose to show links from one tag. Currently supports one tag only. Default is all links, tagged or untagged.

author credit: yes, no // Choose to give author credit. Default is to not show credit links.