Pojo News Ticker

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About Pojo News Ticker

This plugin allows you to add a News Ticker widget to your WordPress site, of which works with Pojo Framework.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Pojo Team


Please Note: This plugin is for Pojo Framework users only.

The News Ticker plugin adds a widget with which you can create Posts tickers with updates and news in every widget area of your WordPress site, or in the Builder. This plugin is especially useful for displaying news headlines in magazine and news websites.

How do you use it?
Simply install and activate the plugin, then go to the widget area or the Builder, drag the widget and set it according to your needs.

In the widget you can choose between 3 modes:

  • Slide
  • Fade
  • Typing

Select the number of posts that will appear per category, and choose to arrange them out of the following parameters (Ascending or Descending):

  • Title
  • Date
  • Menu Order
  • Author
  • Post Slug
  • Modified
  • Comment Count
  • Post ID
  • Random

In addition, you can add a date and time next to each post, the post’s duration and add / remove the link to the post itself.

Would you like to like to contribute to Pojo News Ticker? You are more than welcome to submit your pull requests on the GitHub repo. Also, if you have any notes about the code, please open a ticket on ths issue tracker.