Poros Slider

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About Poros Slider

Create a beautiful slideshow with an optional vertical scroller and fully customizable caption.






updated: 11 years ago
since: 12 years ago
author: jleo2255


Create a beautiful slideshow with an optional vertical scroller and fully customizable caption. After you’ve specified what images and caption you want in your slideshow and how you want it displayed, just add [poros_show] to any page/post and it will be displayed there.

I’ve recently made many updates to this plugin to enhance usability and make it even more consistent with whatever theme you’re using. I’m working on updates that will be ready in the near future (multiple transition types, unlimited slides and multiple shows per site to start) but have not yet received any donations or feedback. If you like this plugin, please comment, rate or donate. I would hate to have to move this to a pay only site.