Post and Taxonomy Filter

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About Post and Taxonomy Filter

Post and Taxonomy Filter is very simple plugin to create a post filter. You just install it and goes his setting page thant is visible in your dashboa …






updated: 5 years ago
since: 6 years ago
author: M.Yasir Hussain


Post and Taxonomy Filter is very simple plugin to create a post filter. You just install it and goes his setting page thant is visible in your dashboard menu Post Filter click on it and just select which post type and Taxonomy and other setting you want to apply filter and save it.

Post and Taxonomy is give you a short code [post_taxonomy_filters] just paste it in any page body.

Post and Taxonomy Fiter Setting

After Installation you can see a POST Filter link in your dashboard. Click on it.
Basic Setting
1. Post Type : Select a Post Type Which you want to apply filter.
2. Post Taxonmy : Select a Post Taxonomy Which you want work as filter.
3. Theme Setting : Select Filter Show in which position and also select how many post are shows in one row.
4. Work Query as : Select a Filter Works on Ajax or just Jquery. Jquery just show hide the filter tabs, In Ajax data will load when you click on filter.

Output Filters: For Taxonomy

This plugin allows you to do this very easily set output of taxonomy filter.

  • [tax_name] : Show taxonomy term name.
  • [tax_link] : Show taxonomy term link.
  • [tax_custom_name_field] : Show taxonomy term custom field.

Output Filters: For Post

  • [image] : It will show a Post featured image.
  • [title] : Show a post title.
  • [post_date] : Show Post publish date.
  • [excerpt] : Show Post Excerpt.
  • [content] : Show Post Content
  • [post_link] : Show Post link
  • [author_name] : Show Post Author Name
  • [author_image] : Show Post Author Image
  • [author_link] : Show Post Author Link
  • [post_custom_name_field] : Show Post Custom Field .example: [post_custom_price_field]