Post Slider

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About Post Slider

Post slider is a WordPress plugin that turns your posts into a post slider.






updated: 3 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: Themepoints


Post slider is a WordPress plugin that turns your posts into a post slider in different styles. Post slider is touch friendly and responsive for all devices.

Plugin Features

  • Clean Design & Code.
  • Fully responsive.
  • Unlimited Post Slider.
  • Advanced WordPress shortcodes .
  • Easy Options page.
  • 2 Different Post Slider Style.
  • Post filtering by category ID.
  • Sort by date, random or custom order.
  • Post Slider auto play Mode Options.
  • multiple Post slider in same page.
  • Display Post Slider on any Page, Post or Text Widget.
  • Easy Documentation.

Pro Version Advanced Features

  • All the features of the free version.
  • Unique Shortcode for each Slider.
  • Highly customized for User Experience.
  • Touch & Swipe Enable.
  • Fully Responsive.
  • Clean Design & Code.
  • Easy & Lightweight.
  • Unlimited Shortcode everywhere.
  • Multiple Shortcode in same page.
  • 8 different styles.
  • Order By (date/order/random).
  • Order (Descending/Ascending).
  • Show/hide Most of Slider elements.
  • Support Any Post Types.
  • Support Multiple categories.
  • Title Font Sze.
  • Title Font Color.
  • Title Font hover Color.
  • Title text alignment.
  • Items Background Color.
  • Show/hide categories section.
  • category background color.
  • category text color.
  • category text size.
  • Show/hide Author info.
  • Author text size.
  • Author text color.
  • Show/hide post date.
  • post date font size.
  • post date font color.
  • Content text alignment.
  • Content text color.
  • Content text size.
  • background overlay color.
  • items border size.
  • items border color.
  • Post excerpt length.
  • Read more font size.
  • Read more text alignment.
  • Read more text color.
  • Read more hover text color.
  • Auto Play on/off option.
  • Auto Hide Mode option.
  • Centered Mode option.
  • Slide Delay option.
  • Stop Hover option.
  • Auto Timeout option.
  • Total Items Dispaly.
  • Dispaly Item Desktop.
  • Dispaly Item Small Desktop.
  • Dispaly Item Mobile.
  • Item Loop True/False Option.
  • Item Margin.
  • Navigation show/hide.
  • 5 Navigation Position.
  • Navigation Text Color.
  • Navigation hover Text Color.
  • Navigation Background Color.
  • Navigation hover bg Color.
  • Pagination show/hide.
  • 4 Pagination Position.
  • Pagination Text Color.
  • Pagination Background Color.
  • Support Up To 10 columns.
  • Unlimited Styling & Color Options.
  • Unlimited Domain.
  • 24/7 Dedicated support forum.
  • Life Time Self hosted auto updated enable.
  • Online documentation.
  • And many more…