Postcode Shipping Rates- WooCommerce

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About Postcode Shipping Rates- WooCommerce

Postcode Shipping is a clean, powerful shipping rates plugin that helps you define multiple rates based on Quantity/Order on countrys/states/postcodes …






updated: 9 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Rizwan Ahammad


If you want to apply shipping rates based on country or state or postcode/zip Postcode shipping rates plugin lets you define a standard rate per order/quantity.

if you set a rate for client’s Zip/postcode it will be Apply. If you set a rate for client’s state it will be Apply. If you set a rate for the client’s country it will be Apply. Otherwise, If none of the rates are set, the “Rest of the World” rate will be Apply.


WooCommerce Postcode Shipping is easy to use. This results in an efficient, robust and intuitive plugin.


Insatall this plugin then you can create number of shipping rules for coutry or state or postcode or commen shipping rate for world wide and save settings.


  • Shipping Rates on Postcode/Zip – You can apply shipping rates on specific postcodes and choose one or more postcodes for one rule. Separate codes with a comma or
  • Shipping Rates On State – You can apply shipping rates on specific states or
  • Shipping Rates On Countrys – You can apply shipping rates on specific countrys
    *Add Shipping Method Title – You can add method titles for all 4 methods postcode,country,state,worldwide
    *Apply Shipping Rates By Quantity – You can apply shipping rates on quantity for all postcode/state/country methods

example for price by quantity- Quantity|Price;Quantity|Price – 1|9.99;2|10.00 ect. if quantity exceeds more than given last price will apply i.e 10.00

example- 123456, 23456 ect
* Shipping Rates On Rest Of World – Ship your items using a flat cost on worldwide.