Power Widgets Lite

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About Power Widgets Lite

Power Widgets creates custom widget areas (AKA custom sidebars) for specific pages, posts or categories, and manages them from one single location.






updated: 9 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Super Plugin


  • Allows you to create and manage custom sidebars and assign them to specific pages, posts, tags, categories and page templates.
  • Helps you to manage your custom sidebars from one single location and thus save time and keep your custom sidebars consistent and coherent.
  • Compatible to work within a wide array of WordPress themes.
  • For more advanced and powerful features and options, check out Power Widgets (Pro) on our site


Spanish (es_ES) – by Andrew Kurtis WebHostingHub
Hebrew (he_IL) – by Jonathan Engel

Power Widgets (Pro)

Power Widgets (Pro) offers advanced and powerful ways of creating and managing your custom sidebars and comes with premium support., Check it out here

Author Background

This plugin is brought to you by the SuperPlugin team.

We at SuperPlugin make our experience crafting WordPress sites for clients available to you – creating both free and premium plugins embodying the lessons we learned and the problems we’ve solved.

Visit our site to learn more about us and our revolutionary new widget management plugin: Power Widgets

Creating a Custom Sidebar

  1. Your theme comes with predefined widget areas (often called ?sidebars?), ready for receiving various widgets using WordPress default drag and drop interface (Appearance/Widgets).
  2. Under Power Widgets menu, navigate to ?Manage Widget Areas?. Create new widget areas as required.
  3. Use short descriptive names for any widget area you create, and a description to appear inside the widget area once opened, in Widgets view.
  4. You may add or remove any custom widget area at any time. However, if you plan your work and assuming you know what your site?s hierarchy is should look like, you can make a list of all your custom widget areas with the desired content.
  5. Create your custom widget areas in the fashion described above and move on.
  6. Now for the fun part: Click Manage Widget Areas in Pages and start filling the table according to your list of desired custom widget areas.
  7. For example: suppose you want your Contact Us page to have unique text widget in your primary widget area, and some unique graphics in your top widget area, you should do the following:
  8. Create a Contact Us page, if you haven?t done so.
  9. Create a unique widget area for both areas, one for the primary widget area and another to be used in the top widget area
  10. Go to Manage Widget Areas in Pages, find Contact Us page in the left row (of course, the page should be created first), and then find the cell in conjunction with the column of Primary Widget area ? click it and you will have a drop-down menu with the selection of all your custom widget areas available for you. Select the appropriate custom widget area and carry on to your next selection.
  11. Click Save once you done attaching unique widget areas to pages/posts.
  12. Go to Appearance/Widgets and there you will see your custom widget areas available for you to work with. Simply drag and drop the widgets of your choice and you?re done!
  13. Go to the page and check the result. You can watch this video to see how it is done on pages, and that one to see how it is done on posts.
  14. You may also manage widget areas in category pages. Navigate to ?Manage Widget Areas in Categories? and set custom widget areas as required.
  15. Posts are handled similarly to pages via ?Manage Widget Areas in Posts?.
  16. Note: Power Widgets support RTL themes ? simply click the Adjust Direction button if you use such a theme and fail to see the table properly.

Working with Power Widgets Lite Table, and from Within a Given Page

  1. By default, all posts and pages name are set alphabetically and are linked to the actual page. This may come handy if you have pages or posts with the same name in different locations in your site?s hierarchy.
  2. The initial default view is set to show 10 pages at once. You may change this by clicking on the drop down box on the bottom left of the table and select a different value ? up to 50 pages. You may use the search box in order to find a certain post or a page. You will then have a scroll bar on the left side of the table. Alternatively, you can navigate with the arrows to the next page.
  3. The entire work with the table is done without having to refresh the page, making it super-fast. Once you are done changing one or more settings, simply click the Save button and you are done.
  4. The best way to go when you are developing a new website whereby you have your plans in front of you is to work from the central table and move from one part to another.
  5. There are other use cases that working from inside the page will be faster and easier. This may come to mind especially when you are working on an already running site with most of the settings (such as custom sidebars and patterns) available for you to use. In that case, you may apply changes to a specific page or post from within the page/post. Scroll down below the content zone and there you will find the relevant table with all the functionality that applies to the given page or post. Once done, click Save on the Power Widgets interface and the page will automatically scroll upward. Don?t forget to click update and check for the results.