PrestaShop Integration

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About PrestaShop Integration

Add integration using shortcodes and widgets from a PrestaShop e-commerce to your blog






updated: 1 year ago
since: 13 years ago
author: François Pons


This plugins defines four widgets and various shortcodes to integrate WordPress and PrestaShop release 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 or 1.7.

This plugins defines a shortcode that can be used to display products on your blog. Only products list has been defined by using [ps_product_list id_category=X n=C p=P tpl=TPL] where X is the category id of the category you want to display (by default the home category 1 is used), C is the number of product you want to display (by default 10), P is the page number (by default 1) and TPL is the Smarty template to use (by default product-list.tpl). You may replace id_category by id_product list of product ids separated by comma.

Note that the module will import the current theme of PrestaShop to your blog (both CSS and Javascript) but this is optional since 0.6. Generally you need a WordPress theme that is translated from the PrestaShop theme : it need to have the same XHTML layout and you have to replace PrestaShop HOOK markers by widget area in your blog theme, maybe like this :

<div class="prestashop-sidebar"><ul class="xoxo">
  <?php dynamic_sidebar( 'hooktop-widget-area' ); ?>
</ul></div><!-- .prestashop-sidebar -->

Furthermore, you may need to replace internal Javascript library by the PrestaShop one to avoid conflicts. For more information about the plugin, please check PrestaShop Integration page in french.

The available widgets are :

PrestaShop Integration Hook

This widget is used to insert one of the main PrestaShop hooks :

  • Top of pages
  • Left column block
  • Right column block
  • Footer

PrestaShop Integration Module

This widget is used to insert a PrestaShop module directly, the module must be attached to one of the main hooks to be displayed.

PrestaShop Integration Products

This widget is used to display the product list attached to a WordPress post. If there are no product attached, no output is made. This widget has been obsoleted by the following one.

PrestaShop Integration Template

This widget is used to display a tpl file, it may include a product list according to product attached to current post. You may still display the template even if no product have been attached to the current post.