Pricing Table Extended

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About Pricing Table Extended

Pricing Table Extended is WP Plugin to create pricing table easily. 4 themes available and you can create your theme too.






updated: 10 years ago
since: 11 years ago
author: Joko Wandiro


Pricing Table Extended is WP Plugin to create pricing table easily.


  • Of Course it’s easy to use
  • Using Good User Interface to make you think it’s premium stuff
  • Unlimited Theme ( You can help me, create more theme by yourself )
  • Translation available ( I need your help too for translate it into your languages )
  • Complete Documentation Page so you can use it and contribute too
  • I think it’s not feature but important for me. Donate button available for you

Any feedback will be appreciated to make this plugin better.

  • Demo currently is not available. I will upload it later
  • License: GNU GPL