Primal for WordPress

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About Primal for WordPress

Engage your readers with great content that expresses your interests!






updated: 7 years ago
since: 11 years ago
author: Primal


Want to engage your readership on a whole new level? Provide highly relevant news, videos and information from across the web, tailored specifically to your individual interests.

Primal for WordPress uses a patented artificial intelligence to deliver highly relevant and up-to-date information to your readers, tailored to each page you create.

Working directly with Primal’s APIs, the plugin automatically builds rich interest graphs around your pages, filtering news and information from across the web. Contextual links to matching related content are displayed to your visitors, embedded alongside your posts and pages.

Features and Differences

Primal for WordPress delivers news and information from across the web, tailored to each individual page on your site. Primal increases user engagement with real-time, contextually relevant recommendations.

  • Content your readers care about: Primal matches its content recommendations to the specific subject matter of each individual WordPress page or post.
  • Ease of use: Primal is an intelligent assistant. It automatically learns your interests from the subject matter of the pages you create.
  • Real-time content delivery: Primal’s recommendations are fresh and current. They’re generated in real-time using frequently updated content sources.
  • Learning: Primal learns the interests of your audience based on their clicks, becoming evermore relevant and engaging over time.

Check out a working version of the plugin installed on our very own Primal blog and see how we’re increasing the value of our content.

If you’re interested in learning more, we have a new feature in the works, where Primal will promote the content from your website or blog. Please contact us if you’d like to learn more.


We value your suggestions. Please send feedback to [email protected] so that we can continue to develop this plugin and improve your WordPress experience!