Product Input Fields for WooCommerce

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About Product Input Fields for WooCommerce

Add custom product input fields to your WooCommerce products. Let customers personalize/customize products effortlessly. Elevate your store experience …






updated: 5 months ago
since: 7 years ago
author: Tyche Softwares


Product Input Fields for WooCommerce plugin lets you add custom input fields to WooCommerce product’s frontend for customer to fill before adding product to cart.

Input fields can be added globally (i.e. for all products) or on per product basis.

You can choose numerous different types for fields:

  • Text
  • Textarea
  • Number
  • Checkbox
  • Color
  • File
  • Datepicker
  • Weekpicker
  • Timepicker
  • Select
  • Radio
  • Password
  • Country
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Search
  • URL
  • Range

Each type comes with specific options you can set for each field.

Additionally you can set fields HTML template and much more.

Plugin is limited to adding two input fields to each product – one (global) field for all products and one more (local) for each product individually. If you wish to add unlimited number of global and/or local product input fields, please check our Product Input Fields for WooCommerce Pro plugin.

Some of our Pro plugins:

  1. Abandoned Cart Pro for WooCommerce

  2. Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce

  3. Order Delivery Date Pro for WooCommerce

  4. Product Delivery Date Pro for WooCommerce

  5. Deposits For WooCommerce

  6. Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts for WooCommerce – Pro

  7. Custom Order Status for WooCommerce – Pro

  8. Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce – Pro

  9. Call for Price for WooCommerce – Pro

  10. Price based on User Role for WooCommerce – Pro

  11. Currency per Product for WooCommerce – Pro

Some of our other free plugins:

  1. Abandoned Cart for WooCommerce

  2. Order Delivery Date for WooCommerce – Lite

  3. Product Delivery Date for WooCommerce – Lite

  4. Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts for WooCommerce

  5. Custom Order Status for WooCommerce

  6. Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce

  7. Call for Price for WooCommerce

  8. Price based on User Role for WooCommerce

  9. Currency per Product for WooCommerce


  • We are open to your suggestions and feedback. Thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins!