Product Review

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About Product Review

An extendable and powerful WordPress plugin for product review.






updated: 7 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: Nazmul Ahsan


An extendable and powerful WordPress plugin for product review. It comes with the common features that you may need for your review site, including editor review, user review, segmented rating, pros and cons, affiliate button and lot more.

[Live Demo]

Editor Review

As an editor, you can add your own review. Along with the review title and review text, you can add segmented ratings for individual parameters.

User Review

You can allow your users to submit their reviews as well as feature specific ratings on a product. Users’ rating will be calculated and shown separately. You can also set how the users’ ratings will impact the final average rating score.
This feature can be enabled or disabled for individual product.

Rich Snippet

Yes, rich snippet. This plugin can help you add Rich Snippet. If you don’t know yet- including structured data markup in web content helps Google algorithms better index and understand the content. Some data can also be used to create and display Rich Snippets within the search results. Rich snippet can increase your organic visitor by upto 300%. [Pro Feature]

Segmented Rating

For an individual post, you can set features that will be cosidered as rating parameters. These parameters will be shown in user review form that a user needs to submit his rating for. You will input your own rating based on this paramters, too. There is no limit of how many features can be added!

  • You can choose rating type and scale of rating from Star, Point or Percentage.
  • Can be set to ‘Member Only’
  • You can set how much impact of users’ ratings will be applied on the average rating.
    [Pro Feature]

Pros and Cons

Every product has its pros and cons. So, this plugin allow to add Pros and Cons for each product. With an interactive and easy to use interface. You can add unlimited number of Pros and Cons, literrally!
[Pro Feature]

Affiliate Button

It made it possible to add an Affiliate Button for a product. You can set button text, URL and even either the link opens in current or new tab.

Rich Editor

While users submit their review, they can use WYSIWYG editor to enhance readability of their comments.

User Voting

Users can vote for existing user ratings, they can submit an upvote if they agree or a downvote otherwise. Although it has no impact on rating scores, but it’ll help others to express their opinions.

Appearance Editor

You can change colors of frontend elements from an easy-to-use admin panel without having any coding skills. And yes, you can write your own CSS too, if you want!
[Pro Feature]

Developers in mind

This plugin is built keeping developers in mind. We love to say, it’s very much hookable. You can change almost everything you want; from options page to templates, even average rating scores!