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About Promotator

This plugin is meant to simplify your daily email marketing life, with it's global sending abilities!






updated: 4 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: GeroNikolov


This plugin is meant to simplify your daily email marketing life, with it’s global sending abilities!

It’s simple as it names sounds! It comes with a control page called Promotator which
can be found in the WordPress Admin Dashboard left menu.

Promotator will allow you to choose the user group which is meant to receive your mailing as long with
the custom posts which you’ll have to pick from you Promotator controller.

When you finish with that customization you’ll be asked for a subject & template of your mailing!

By default Promotator comes with one built in template called: template-1.html; It can be found in the
plugin directory at the folder mailings.

The templates are pretty straight forward based HTML Email templates. The only thing which is requirement from Promotator
is to wrap your post container into an HTML Comment starting with: post-container & ending with: /post-container

That will tell the Promotator AI what structure it should use for the posts which you’ve chosen to feature in your mailing.

More built in templates are coming soon! Stay tuned at