Push Notification FCM

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About Push Notification FCM

Introducing a seamless framework plugin for Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for Android and iOS developers, to send push notifications globally.






updated: 10 months ago
since: 2 years ago


This FCM Plugin for WordPress is designed to simplify the integration of push notifications to all Android and iOS devices. With ease of use in mind, here’s what you can achieve:

  1. Easy Integration:

    • Installation: Simply install the plugin.
    • Configuration: Enter your Firebase Server (API) key, generate a site key, and select the post types for notifications.
    • Compatibility: Works with both Android and iOS devices and the latest version of WordPress.
  2. REST API Endpoints for Device Management:

    • Subscribe Device: Register devices when the mobile application is launched.
    • Unsubscribe Device: Deregister devices when the application is deleted.
    • Example: Use the provided endpoints with parameters like rest_api_key, device_uuid, device_token, etc., to manage subscriptions.
  3. Customizable Notifications:

    • Categories: Register devices under specific categories. If a category doesn’t exist, it’ll be created automatically.
    • Content Types: Select specific post types for triggering notifications.
  4. Open Source & Free: Modify and use without any cost.

Make sure to have a Firebase project and your Firebase Server (API) key before using the plugin. Don’t miss out on important updates, try our FCM push notification plugin today!

REST API Endpoints

Subscribe Device


rest_api_key (required): Unique site key from plugin settings.
device_uuid (required): Device’s unique ID.
device_token (required): Device’s token.
subscription (required): Category name for device registration.
device_name (optional): Name of the device.
os_version (optional): Operating system version.

Returns JSON:

    "error": false,
    "message": "Device token registered",
    "subscription_id": 123

Unsubscribe device:



  • rest_api_key (required): Unique site key from plugin settings.
  • device_uuid (required): Device’s unique ID.

Returns JSON:

    "error": false,
    "message": "The device token was successfully removed"

This plugin is available as open-source and free of charge, allowing seamless integration with any WordPress setup and offering the flexibility for customization to meet specific needs.1. Preparation for Use:
– Prior to activating the plugin, it’s essential to establish a Firebase project and obtain the corresponding Firebase Server (API) key. This setup links your WordPress site to Firebase, enabling the key functionalities of the plugin.

  1. Unique Site Key Requirement:

    • Upon installing the plugin, you’ll need to access the plugin settings page to generate a unique site key. This key is crucial for the identification and security of your particular WordPress installation.
  2. Content-Type Selection for Notifications:

    • The plugin grants you the flexibility to choose specific types of posts for sending notifications. This allows for a tailored communication strategy, ensuring that users only receive alerts relevant to their interests.
  3. Device Management via REST API Endpoints:

    • The plugin utilizes REST API endpoints to manage device registration and deregistration. Your mobile application must be configured to interact with these endpoints, enabling accurate control over the device subscriptions.
  4. Cross-Platform Compatibility:

    • Designed to work seamlessly with both Android and iOS devices, this plugin ensures that you can reach your audience regardless of their preferred platform.
  5. Category-Specific Notification Delivery:

    • The plugin facilitates sending push notifications to all registered devices for a particular post category. This targeted approach enhances engagement by delivering content-specific alerts.
  6. Registration Verification Before Notification:

    • Prior to sending any notifications, the plugin verifies the device’s registration status. This step maintains notification accuracy and avoids sending to inactive or irrelevant devices.
  7. Compatibility with Latest WordPress Version:

    • While the plugin aligns with the most recent WordPress version, it’s advisable to check for compatibility to ensure a smooth integration within your specific WordPress environment.
  8. Customizable Open-Source Software:

    • Embracing an open-source model, the plugin’s code can be adapted to meet individual requirements. This encourages not only personalized use but also potential community contributions and collaboration.