PWS Better Widget Title

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About PWS Better Widget Title

Hide widget titles that are inside the square brackets, "[]". Handles multiple occurrence. Compatible with WordPress version 3.0+.






updated: 4 years ago
since: 5 years ago
author: David He


PWS Better Widget Title

PWS Better Widget Title is a little utility that only displays the part of the widget title outside of square brackets, “[]” on the front end of the site.

This allows you to add details relevant to the widget that are visible in the backend, without them appearing on the user view of the widget.

For instance:
* Widget Title: Contact [Button Version] A Person – ‘Contact A Person’ will show on the front end. ‘Button version’ will not show.
* Widget Title: [Contact A Person] – Nothing will show on the front end.
* Widget Title: Contact [A Person] – ‘Contact’ will show on the front end. A Person will not show.
* Widget Title: Contact [A] Support [Person] – ‘Contact Support’ will show on the front end.
* Widget Title: [Contact A] Support [Person] – ‘Support’ will show on the front end.


Support is available on the support page.


This plugin is released under the GPL licence. I do not accept any responsibility for any damages or losses, direct or indirect, that may arise from using the plugin or these instructions. This software is provided as is, with absolutely no warranty. Please refer to the full version of the GPL license for more information.


This plugin was initiated by Dan Bashaw with the inspiration of remove-widget-titles and Flexible Widget Title.