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About QuantCDN

QuantCDN static site generator and edge integration. Push a static export of your Wordpress site with ease.






updated: 10 months ago
since: 3 years ago
author: www.quantcdn.io


QuantCDN is a CDN engineered specifically for the static web. This plugin acts as a static site generator, letting you easily push a static copy of your entire WordPress site with a single click. Any ongoing content change is automatically pushed, ensuring your static site in the QuantCDN edge is always kept in sync.

Full support for:
* Pages and Posts
* Homepages (static or lists), including pagination
* Archives (including pagination)
* 404 error page
* Custom routes
* Tags and Categories (including pagination)
* Attached images & media, CSS, Javascript
* Custom post and page types

The QuantCDN platform has integrated support for both forms and search.

Requires a QuantCDN account

WP-CLI support

WP-CLI is a command line tool to interface with WordPress. It is the recommended way of initially seeding your WordPress site in Quant, and provides vast performance improvements over using the UI.

This is largely due to the ability to run the seed process with concurrency, which can immediately give a 10x performance boost (or greater) when compared to using the UI.

  • Use wp quant info to view queue status
  • Use wp quant reset_queue <queue_name> to reset a queue
  • Use wp quant process_queue <queue_name|all> --threads=10 to push content to Quant