Quick Questionnaire

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About Quick Questionnaire

Create simple exercises directly in the editor.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 7 years ago


Create simple exercises directly in the editor by putting the possible answer(s) in double brackets.
A quick questionnaire must be an ordered or unordened list.

The following types of answers are possible:

Enter the correct answer in a textbox:

The correct answer has to be entered in a textbox.

  <li>The capital of France is ...? {text{ Paris }}</li>

You can also use a case insensitive textbox by using the itext property:

  <li>The capital of France is ...? {itext{ Paris }}</li>

Enter the correct answer in a textbox – multiple answers possible:

The correct answer has to be entered in a textbox.

  <li>The capital of France or Italy is ...? {text{ Paris | Rome }}</li>

Enter the correct answer in a textbox – regular expression:

If you have some regular expression skills, you can also specify this:

  <li>The capital of France or Rome is ...? {reg{ /^(Paris|Rome)$/ }}</li>

Check the correct answer in radio buttons:

All possible answers are divided by |, the correct answer has to be marked with a *.
The answers are displayed as radio boxes.

  <li>The capital of France? {radio{ Paris* | London | Berlin }}</li>

Check all possible answers in checkboxes:

Mark alle correct answers with a *.
The answers are displayed as checkboxes.

  <li>Countries of Europe? {checkbox{ France* | Netherlands* | Canada }}</li>