Quick Testimonials

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About Quick Testimonials

Best testimonial plugin for WordPress. It's an easy to use plugin by which you can easily build & customize your desired testimonials with ease.






updated: 3 years ago
since: 5 years ago
author: ThemeRegion


Quick Testimonials is an easy-to-use plugin that allows users to embed testimonials into a Page or Post or any Custom Post Type using the shortcode. Quick Testimonials allows you to insert a list of all Testimonials in a single form, output a Random Testimonial, or display a slideshow of Testimonials anywhere on your website. Testimonials support images, ratings etc.

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  • Easily add testimonial using custom post type ( This post type is not public to avoid detail page URLs mess ).
  • Create unlimited testimonials using this free plugin
  • Display Testimonials left, right & center aligned style.
  • Testimonials text and links styles are changeable.
  • Translation Ready and comes with related pot file.


  • Display testimonials in pages or posts using shortcode. Shortcode [quick_testimonials id="30"]