We'll create fresh WordPress site with QuickDocs installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
QuickDocs lets you quickly create modern, functional documentation pages that let you skip the setup and go straight to the content.
QuickDocs is a plugin, not a theme. This allows you to add documentation as a seperate section of your existing website and don’t need a new subdomain or site. Only your documentation pages use our templates.
Our docs look beautiful out of the box, with support for organised typograhpic heirarchy, tables, lists, and code. Plus you can customise the background, font and accent colour to match your brand.
We automatically detect and enable dark-mode and allow users to manually toggle the setting. We also support reducing motion to limit animations on the page.
Connect your pages with a toggleable sidebar menu to navigate across your documentation. The menu can be specified per page, per topic or across all documentation easily with our inherited sidebar system.
Allow users to mark pages as helpful or unhelpful easily so you can see what pages need improvement.
Automatically highlight your code blocks with support for JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP and C-Like languages using highlight.js. You can set the language of a code block by added the class ‘lang-xxxx’.
Make it easy for users to find the right documentation with our live search feature that searches documentation as you type.
Your footer automatically chooses a next and previous page based on the sidebar menu.
See what a page covers at a glance with our auto-generated table of contents. It tracks the nearest heading as you scroll and adds anchor tags to headings so you can jump around the page.
Import markdown, plain text and HTML files in bulk to quickly transfer your existing documentation.