Quran Translations

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About Quran Translations

Quran Translations plugin is the first WordPress plugin that allows you to display a playlist for the translations of the meaning of the Quran.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 10 years ago


Quran Translations plugin is the first WordPress plugin that allows you to display a playlist for the translations of the meaning of the Quran in more than 38 languages, powered by EDC (e-Da`wah Committee).

Major new features in Quran Translations 1.6 include:

  • You can play 1 out of 38 translations of the Quran
  • You can add the player to the Widget or to the post
  • You can control the display of the player

PS: For Support click to Islam.com.kw, powered by EDC (e-Da`wah Committee).