Realty Portal – Package

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About Realty Portal – Package

Stable tag: 0.3.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: The add-on manages your Membership type.






updated: 5 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: NooTeam


Package –Agent Membership add-on is a powerful and flexible add on that helps to manage your membership plan. It offers 4 options for you that are:
* No membership: Agent created by Admin can still submit property
* Free for all Agents: All agents can submit properties for free
* Membership Packages: An agent needs to submit a package before authorizing submitting a property. If you choose this option, you need to create a Pricing Plan for your packages, obviously.
* Pay per Submission: An agent needs to do single payment when he submits a single property. Price per normal Submission and Price for Featured Property are available.
In addition, the add-on also offers a Freemium Membership (come along with Pay per Submission option) in which you can set up limited number of properties an agent can achieve for free, and if he wants more, he has to pay for you.

Highlight features:
* Various options of Member Type
* Flexible functions
* Easy to set up. Easy to use. Friendly User Interface.
Work with any theme.

